One-To-One Coaching - Fresh Start Program

One-To-One Coaching - Fresh Start Program

from $150.00
  • Includes a free, 30 min. consultation

  • One, three or five hours of custom, tailored coaching aimed at your betterment and empowerment

  • Full program details below:

One To One:
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Our One-To-One Coaching is an education and mentoring concentrate. Through our top-class, unique approach, you will be pressed and empowered to lead a life that is full of fulfillment…

…“I am very aware that many of you are being faced with an amount of realization that you never thought could come through such uncertain times - a realization of the current state of your life and affairs. Some of you have become more grateful and some of you have become disillusioned after having to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life that so blinded you. You're starting to realize the wasted time, effort and emotion that was leading you nowhere or to a place you didn't want to be or go. With this uncertainty and realization also comes an opportunity - an opportunity to start over and to lead a meaningful, fruitful and fulfilled life.” - bp

Our Fresh Start Program is intended to bridge you from where you are to where you ultimately want to be. Whether your desire is to finally step out into the life you’ve dreamed of by completing goals you've put off for years OR if you’re in need of total reinvention in order to live fulfilled, this program is for you!

In each time frame tier (one, three or five hours), we will take these steps in order to initiate your fresh start:

  • First, we’ll discover your exact needs and goals within the thirty minute consultation in order to custom-tailor your experience to your EXACT situation, circumstance and end-goal. (One of the many benefits and luxuries of One-to-one coaching)

  • Next, we’ll begin your coaching by identifying the many barriers that ARE holding you back from living the life of your dreams. Through our one-of-a-kind methods to locate every point of unhealthy dependency and more, we’ll be targeting those areas with laser focus and begin discussing the ways to both eliminate and overcome those barriers in order to initiate healthy, life-giving patterns in your life.

  • The third step will be to set the foundation for all of the action steps you will be provided by honing in on who you are. This unique technique exclusive to the IEXIST coaching brand that we’ve coined “Identity Coaching” is all about focused direction and alignment. What we know is that it isn’t good enough to learn a bunch of principles that become hard to implement because you aren’t self-aware enough to exert your energy in the most profitable direction. It is our aim and desire that you move into a direction that is both fruitful (meaning you’re getting the results you’re after whether financial, social or in your well-being overall) and fulfilling (meaning your way is not burdensome and that you have peace, gratitude, happiness and are content concerning your journey). This part of our program is meant to bring longevity to and defend against burnout and harmful life contaminants on your pathway to success. The information that will be gained here is invaluable!

  • Next, we’ll begin to draw out a specific map and a direct plan of action. Success can be as simple as determining a destination and mapping a route to get there. Each previous step will determine the destination. This portion of the program is geared towards setting the dream in motion. You’ll need the specific steps to take in order to establish new patterns that are designed to get you to your desired end goal. This portion of your coaching will make or break your entire process. It will mean nothing to gather life changing information that isn’t executed on to actually realize your dream. We’re here to increase the likelihood of your dream manifesting to it’s maximum potential. Knowing the exact steps to take will take you from “learning” into “living”.

  • The fifth and final step in the “Fresh Start Program” will teach you how to align yourself with the right circumstances and people in order to ensure that you continue to flourish, having points of accountability, encouragement and refuge that, again, will take the likelihood of your overall success to it’s maximum potential. This step will also increase longevity, prevent possible guilt of separation from those on a different path and decrease the amount of distraction you will encounter on your way. This step is vital in that it becomes “the wind beneath your wings”. Everyone needs help continually on their journeys. But you need the right help. We’ll teach you the nuances of “finding your tribe” and getting farther in your journey than you ever could on your own.

*Although the program is the same in each time allotment option (you won’t miss out on any quality or ultimate value with any option), your choice of one, three or five hours of coaching should be determined by how much time you need and want to invest into being adequately prepared and empowered to initiate a fresh start during one of the most opportune times you may have ever lived through. It should also be noted that the more time that is given to this program, the more in-depth the teaching can become. No matter which option you choose, you will receive more value than you could bargain for.

*After purchasing your program package, you will be contacted to schedule your thirty minute consultation. If you decide that this is not the service that best suits your specific needs after speaking with Bryan, you will be refunded immediately - no questions asked. Once the coaching begins at the later, scheduled date of both parties’ availability, your purchase will be considered final.

*For more exhaustive information on why coaching is the best solution to assist you with your “fresh start”, visit our “Why Coaching?'“ page HERE!